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Common disadvantages of PE paint (4) "Lost gloss"

Information sources:本站 | Release date: 2019-12-25 16:12:23 | Browse volume:17895


Disadvantages: loss of lightcause① The site environment has high humidity, greater than 90%, and water vapor condenses on the surface of the paint film.②The site temperature is too low, the drying is too slow, and the water accumulates on the surfac…

Disadvantages: loss of light

① The site environment has high humidity, greater than 90%, and water vapor condenses on the surface of the paint film.
②The site temperature is too low, the drying is too slow, and the water accumulates on the surface to cause loss of gloss.
③The surface of the coated object is too rough, which absorbs the paint and the coating is too thin.
④The paint film is too thin and the amount of thinner is too much.
⑤ Apply the next layer before the bottom layer is dry.
⑥The surface of the coated object is wet or has acid, salt, alkali and other substances
⑦Water is mixed in paint and thinner.
⑧ The moisture in the air compressor is not clean.

① Adjust indoor humidity or stop construction.
②The construction environment temperature is generally above 10℃.
③Pay attention to the thickness of sandpaper to ensure that the surface of the coated object is smooth.
④ Add diluent in this proportion and increase the number of coatings.
⑤ Apply the next layer after the paint film is dry.
⑥Handle the impurities on the surface of the coated object.
⑦Properly manage the paint to prevent mixing of moisture.
⑧Clear the moisture in the air compressor and maintain the separation of oil and water.

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