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Common problems of gel coat (1) "Gel coat wrinkles"

Information sources:本站 | Release date: 2020-08-18 15:56:08 | Browse volume:10728


(1) Gel coat wrinkles Wrinkles are mainly caused by uneven curing of the gel coat, and there are many factors that cause uneven curing, such as:◇ The gel coat is too thin or uneven.◇ The upper reinforcement layer is too early (the gel coat is no…

(1) Gel coat wrinkles
     Wrinkles are mainly caused by uneven curing of the gel coat, and there are many factors that cause uneven curing, such as:
◇ The gel coat is too thin or uneven.
◇ The upper reinforcement layer is too early (the gel coat is not sufficiently cured).
◇ The temperature is too low or the gel coat is cold.
◇ The environmental humidity is too high.
◇ High ambient air velocity and too long gel time will take away a lot of styrene.
◇ The curing agent and accelerator have high water content or mixed unevenly with the gel coat.
◇ Contaminated or brought in water during construction.

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