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Marine equipment pumping system

Information sources:本站 | Release date: 2020-07-29 16:38:02 | Browse volume:17140


Provides a complete selection of pumps and blowers for fishing boats, motorboats, cruisers, yachts and commercial ships. Bilge pumps and blowers have been tested and approved by leading ship manufacturers and become standard equipment.Bilge and aerati…

Provides a complete selection of pumps and blowers for fishing boats, motorboats, cruisers, yachts and commercial ships. Bilge pumps and blowers have been tested and approved by leading ship manufacturers and become standard equipment.
Bilge and aeration pump: Ship bilge and aeration pump Tsunami series cartridge-type bilge water and aeration pump are designed for higher performance and can achieve the most friendly service design. Their filter element style can be replaced quickly and easily without removing the hose or installing the base.
Automatic bilge pump: All ships with sleeping accommodation over 20 feet long (excluding folding cockpit seats) should use an automatic bilge pump system. Using an automatic float switch (part number 4201 or 4202), it can be easily converted to a non-automatic pump of 12 amps or less.
Bilge pumps are only used to discharge stagnant water. They are not intended to prevent the rapid accumulation of water on the ship due to bad weather, hull damage or other unsafe sailing conditions.
Note: The bilge water and aeration pump must be lower than the water source for filling.
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