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Common disadvantages of PE paint (9) "Re-sticking"

Information sources:本站 | Release date: 2019-10-10 16:19:17 | Browse volume:9093


Disadvantages: sticking backcause① Insufficient curing dosage of cross-linked coating.②The surface of the coated object is contaminated.③There is too much slow-drying agent in the paint, and the solvent volatilization is not complete.④The paint vi…

Disadvantages: sticking back

① Insufficient curing dosage of cross-linked coating.
②The surface of the coated object is contaminated.
③There is too much slow-drying agent in the paint, and the solvent volatilization is not complete.
④The paint viscosity is not enough, or the paint quality is not good.
⑤The coating is not dry, that is, overlapping or packaging.
⑥ The air is not circulated and is impacted by heat.
⑦ Abrupt climate change, high temperature or construction in rainy season.
⑧ When the relative humidity of the air is too high, add too much anti-white water.
⑨When multi-layer spraying, the bottom layer is not fully dried.

①Mix the curing agent according to the standard ratio.
②The coated object should be cleaned up.
③Choose appropriate thinners and do not add excessive amounts.
④Adjust to proper paint viscosity and use high-quality paint.
⑤Before overlapping and packaging, make sure that the paint is completely dry to the extent that it can be packaged.
⑥ The ventilation environment should be good to ensure that the solvent is completely volatilized.
⑦Extend the drying time or increase the temperature appropriately.
⑧The addition of anti-white water does not exceed 5%.
⑨ Make sure that the coating room is fully dry.

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